The Doors

by Uncle River

Mr. Bannister lived way out in the country. One cold, windy, sleety, nasty winter day, he arrived home tired and feeling like he was coming down with the flu, only to discover that the front door of his house was gone. He walked in, astounded.

One of the neighbors' dogs was just polishing off a loaf of bread. It had knocked several other things off the table. It dashed out the hole where the back door should have been.

Mr. Bannister walked around the house. There was no sign of either door, nor any explanation of what had happened to them. Except for the considerable damage the dog had done, nothing else seemed to be missing. Mr. Bannister didn't have any materials adequate to make new doors, but he cobbled together the best makeshift he could and then went to bed.

A few weeks later, Mr. Bannister was talking with his friend, Mr. Afterthought.

"It's too bad you missed the Holy Love Banquet," said Mr. Afterthought.

"I didn't know about it," said Mr. Bannister.

"Yes, you weren't home when we came by to invite you." Mr. Bannister asked when that was. It turned out to be the same time his doors disappeared, so he asked, "You wouldn't happen to have any idea what became of the doors to my house?" "Why, yes," said Mr. Afterthought. "We needed some tables for the banquet, and they were just the right size." "Why didn't you bring them back?" said Mr. Bannister.

"Oh, the Supries needed a couple of doors for their new chicken house," said Mr. Afterthought. "We were done with the tables. Isn't it wonderful how spiritual people share."

Author Biography:

Uncle River is currently feuding with his nearest neighbor in one of New Mexico's most spectacular and remote ghost towns. His "Mongollon News" has been a popular weekly radio and newspaper feature since 1986. His other writing has attracted lots of encouragement lately, some publication, but not much money.

For more stories by Uncle River, click here.

This story first appeared in the Volume 4, Number 2 (Summer 1989) issue of
Sign of the Times-A Chronicle of Decadence in the Atomic Age

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